Friday, November 17, 2017

The End Has Come - WRAP UP POST

Raise your hand if you didn't realize the end of the semester is right around the corner. Thanksgiving is next week and in 2 weeks it will be December. YAY! Christmas! 🎅🎄
So, we are so close to finishing our 1st semester (for some 2nd) of Grad school. We did it, y'all! AND we did it while teaching 90 students. Ah! It feels great doesn't it? It does, except for the part when you add in those 90 students freaking out about final projects and final grades #DebbieDowner. Read your syllabus you mofos! ALL the info is there! My gosh. It's like I'm working at a daycare again. It is not hard people, I have given you all the info you need and repeated myself billions of times. Don't get me wrong, I have LOVED teaching MOST of these kids but damn.
Anyway, that was probably my last little rant. This semester has definitely been a learning experience. I have had to learn how to manage my time a little better, how to take time for myself, how to be a bit more patient, and how even when things get hectic, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Throughout the semester we have learned about several pedagogical theories and how to apply them. There are so many and I think that each and everyone is useful in some way. We may not agree with some of them but even then, we can use the ones we don't like and learn from them as a reminder of what not to do. Honestly, I think that my favorite is pedagogy of the oppressed. I never really thought about myself as being oppressed scholastically or oppressed in a learning environment, in general. Being a minority and a woman, I will always know that I am oppressed in some sort of way #HoustonWeHaveAProblem. After this course, I know that even the smallest thing can help me to free myself from those who are my oppressors. I also learned that not only can I work towards my own personal freedom, but also that I can learn with others while simultaneously trying to help them realize their oppression. In society, we must all work together to free ourselves from the mythical norm. We can't continue living in the cycle of oppression. I think that we, as instructors can achieve this goal.We need to move forward, not backward if we want to be free.
As instructors, we have the duty and the ability to stop the vicious cycle of oppression. How can we do this? By taking everything we have learned not only in this course but also through our environments, and then passing on this knowledge to our students. The oppression cycle only keeps going if people like us allow it to continue. I know that us being here, in this graduate program, gives us the necessary tools to make a change. We all have a little bit of magic inside of us. It is time to take some of that magic and use it to transform the world. It starts with one. 
With this I leave you, use your powers (Knowledge is power) for the good of humanity.
Who doesn't want world peace?
I leave you with some wise nonverbals from none other than one of my faves...Ross Gellar.
Just kidding, I love you all! Mari Out💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 (One heart for each of you)


  1. Mari,

    Breaking the cycle of oppression is such a heavy task. This semester was like thinking you signed up to pick up trash off a highway and then found out you were actually responsible for global environmental reform. Sometimes I do not feel up to the task of helping to free my students from intellectual shackles. However, I agree with you that we are responsible as instructors to encourage change and personal growth in our students. As communication instructors, we are in a particularly good position to do so.

  2. Mari, I can absolutely relate to your rants! If I got paid for every time one of my students asked a syllabus related question, I'd be rich!

    The point that you made, "we have the duty and the ability to stop the vicious cycle of oppression" resonates with me. We do have this power as educators to end the cycle of oppression and it's extremely important that we use our power to do so. Like you mentioned, it could make our world a better place. That's why I love teaching- I have the ability to make the world a little bit better.

    Thank you for reminding each and every one of us that we are the lighthouse for students who face oppression. Also, thank you for bestowing us with the power. I'm glad we could go on this journey together!
