Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Pop Culture

Well everyone, 

It appears I inadvertently posted my wrap up post prior to publishing my "official" second blog post for November. I've been texting my partner all day, and when describing the situation of my mistake to him, I sent a gif to help encapsulate my emotions. Not just any gif, but a meme that reinforces Whiteness. I'll post it below. 


Now I know, I know, my role of girlfriend in a private text conversation is very different from my role of teacher in the classroom, as they should be. However, as Freire says, dialogue is a key to creating change and hopefully avoiding hooks' White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy. I should not just aim to oppose Whiteness in my classroom, but in my every day life encounters as well. 

Aiming to open our students eyes to the systematic oppression surrounding them and breaking the cycle of abject scripts and Whiteness is absolutely important. Palmer, however, says that our virtues and morals need to align in order to have an effective pedagogy. It is important to not just be an advocate in front of our students, but also in our everyday personal lives. 

Although choosing a gif for a private text conversation is in a different world than choosing pop culture examples in the classroom, in order to help negate Whiteness and WSCP we as pedagogs should aim to implement these tactics in our every day life as well as our pedagogy. 

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