Saturday, November 18, 2017

All Good Things Must Come To An End - Official Wrap Up Post

Then end of November is near, meaning so is the end of the semester. Final assignments in graduate classes are due, grades need to be finalized, and holiday vibes are in full swing.

WARNING: LONG (hopefully useful) POST AHEAD

Image result for christmas meme

I have loved getting to read everyone's blog posts and responses throughout the semester. The diverse perspective you all bring to the table, in addition to the readings and Karen's role in class, I can honestly say have created been an eye-opening and inspiring experience in pedagogy for me. As the semester comes to a close, I'd like to touch on a few tactics I plan to implement (or continue implementing) in my pedagogy endeavors, as learned throughout this semester, as well as give some reassuring closing remarks.

Things I plan to implement (or continue implementing):
  1. Having students, in some way, submit pop culture examples relevant to course materials (as suggested by McCauliff & Denker). 
  2. Let my authenticity flow into the classroom more (Palmer).
  3. Stay consistent (Dannels)!
  4. Make detailed To-Do lists.
My goal with #1 on the implementation list is to avoid what hooks calls the White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy - I want to avoid "whitewashing" my classroom as much as possible, and create a diverse learning experience with relevant examples for all of my students. I hope to gain a lot from implementing this tactic in my classroom - after all, I want to learn WITH my students. This will also be the push I need to really start facilitating more class discussions favored around interests of the students, thus avoiding and encouraging everything AGAINST Freire's Banking Model. 

Goal #2 is based on Palmer's idea of heartwork, and the idea that identity & integrity + re-memberment = authenticity. My first semester teaching was the semester I most heavily tried to put on a "teacher persona". Realizing quickly that not only is it uncomfortable for me, but not benefiting my students, I began working on feeling confident enough to let the real Rudi shine in the classes I teach. Perhaps it was my Impostor Syndrome causing me to feel I needed the persona to seem credible or just a general case of the nerves, I worked hard this second semester to more closely pinpoint my identity and integrity, engaged in re-memberment, and will continue to reach full authenticity in my classrooms for ultimate teacher/student success.

Goal #3 is based on a piece of advice given to teachers in the Dannels text during orientation and Week 1 in our pedagogy course - BE CONSISTENT. I had a bit of a problem staying consistent with my students my first semester of teaching: when grades would be posted, slides available on BlackBoard, remembering questions students asked, etc. When matters of inconsistency occurred, it was a burden for both my students and myself. My second semester teaching I really focused on being consistent for my students because I recognized consistency as an area I needed improvement in. My second semester I set tasks for myself to ensure I stay consistent, and I plan to continue to utilize and build on these tasks, such as always posting my lecture slides the Sunday before I teach and enabling the slides to not be visible to students until 12pm the day of class. In addition, I also have an app that links to my laptop, Google Home, and cell phone to make lists of questions or concerns to make sure I remember what needs to be done. 

Finally, goal #4, though not relevant to the materials we've covered thus far in the course, is one I feel is important to my success personally. I realized, through many years of trial and error, I am most productive when I make a weekly to-do list and an extensive daily to-do list. For these lists to work for me, I have to be very specific and list out every tiny task to keep me feeling accomplished, and thus keeping me motivated. For example, instead of writing "grade journal 9 - COMM 2140", I must separate the task by sections: "grade journal 9 - COMM 2140.202...grade journal 9 - COMM 2140.203".

Image result for take a breath

Those of you who have made it this far and are still reading, thank you. I promise I am almost done typing an novel for this last blog post, but I would first like to leave some closing remarks.

First and foremost, remember becoming a great pedagogical figure is a process. We are all constantly learning and improving ourselves and our methods. As Emily says, #KeepOnKeepinOn and make goals to achieve, following Chelsea's message of being a #pedaGOALIE. Keep working to #reengage students and adjusting your pedagogy to the needs of your students, without allowing brain-dead pedagogy in the classroom. #ThoseWhoCan SHOULD continue working towards new pedagogical goals, and more importantly...



  1. Rudi,
    First of all, everything you spoke about really hit home making this seem like a shorter read than it was.
    Second, I think it is awesome that you have set some goals for the remainder of your time in Grad school. If you set small & achievable goals, these will help you reach your bigger goals in the future. It takes time but I am confident that with all of your knowledge and experience, you will get there sooner than you think.
    Next, I LOVE that you included various examples from our assigned readings. It is obvious that you have taken your time and really read each one of these in order to apply them to your teaching methods. I also LOVE that you included others' hashtags in order to complete your thoughts. It really helps your points shine through.
    All in all, I just want to say that I am really proud of you for analyzing your learning/teaching methods, identifying what you need to work on, and setting goals in order to better yourself in all aspects of your life. I am confident that these are the reasons why you are where you are at the moment. It is clear you have come so far by your own willingness to work on yourself and by taking what you have learned and inputting it into your life. From the time I met you up until now, it is obvious how much you have grown. There is definitely no need to panic #dontpanic, you are doing great. <3

  2. Rudi,

    I love how you came up with goals to implement in the future. One goal that we have in common is Dannels being consistent since that is one thing I struggle a little bit with. As a first semester grad student and TA I can see how it is complicated to keep up with the grading along with our grad work. I know I've tried to set up a designated dates to grade and input on to blackboard but I'll admit I was a bit inconsistent. Moreover, you are a GREAT Instructor and I know you'll keep on doing your best and will conquer your goals next semester. Let's finish off strong!

    Love you!
