Friday, November 13, 2015

Ethics of Teaching:

In our society it seems more and more teachers are being fired for ethical issues. Teachers will always, be viewed as role modules. As a role module we have to be law abiding citizens, rather you consider yourself a teacher, professor, principal, dean or school administrator. Almost, all higher education careers are leadership careers. We have to behave and obey the law on and off the clock.

Watch video:

Texas Education Agency Teacher Ethics Training Module 4: Behavior off Campus
(Part 1 of 2)

In this video the teacher loses his temper. He flips off the driver behind him and threatens him with a golf stick. The principal had to bring the teacher into his office and let him know he could have been terminated.

Maybe to some viewers the teacher didn’t do anything wrong. Since he is in the position of a “role module” now he has to be careful about his actions. Several of us in Communication & Pedagogy are aspiring educators. Most people don’t realize society is watching your every move as an educator.

In Our reading of “Pedagogy of the oppressed” we learned that, the banking concept of education says, “Knowledge is a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves knowledgeable upon those whom they consider to know nothing” (Freire, 2000). Just because a person is an educator doesn’t mean they know everything. Educators still behave according to the banking concept.

Freire calls students the receiver in relation to the banking concept. “The oppressed must not, in seeking to regain their humanity (which is a way to create it), become in turn oppressors of the oppressors, but rather restorers of the humanity of both” (Freire, 2000, 44). This quote highlights the banking model of education. This concept displays how the oppressed teacher forces instruction on students without caring about their input. It is better for teachers  to restore students  and not to burden students with their selfish motives. The banking describes knowledge as a gift by those who are knowledgeable. Freire describes students as slaves to the teacher and that their ignorance justifies the teacher. In reality teachers learn from their students. The banking concept portrays the teacher as a God and students are the servants. Teachers are to be listened to and students are created to absorb information. In the banking concept students have to learn in the style the teacher chooses. The author describes how the banking education makes students less creative. Since students just listen to whatever they are told. The solution to get rid of this oppression is to do away with this structure of teaching. The result of getting rid of the banking concept will create a community of educated thinkers. Students will have freedom to utilize their imaginations and speak in class. The banking concept is a good example of how instructors shouldn't behave. 

I wonder how many teachers misbehave off campus? Or how many still act as if they are the God of the classroom according to the banking concept ?


Freire, P.  (1970/2000). Pedagogy of the oppressed:  30th Anniversary Edition.  New York:  Continuum.

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