Saturday, September 30, 2017

Thanks Bro!

This past two weeks I've been stressed. Funny right? It's only been 5 weeks into the semester and I'm already stressing, the only thing that calmed me was that I was not the only feeling it. Here's the thing, I usually can deal with my stress, I usually talk to my brother and I make sure that my stress doesn't intervene with my work. Well at least that is what I thought.

It all started with my usual stress of balancing my school work, and actual work. I was on roll on getting things done and trying to make sure I started to work on the following week. I know that's is how it should be, but for me it was different because I faced an issue with my brother on visiting home that weekend. I won't go much into detailed but basically he added another level stress onto me to the point I waned to cry. I hardly cry so when I do I like to isolate myself, but I couldn't because I was about to teach 2020 in 10 minutes. So I asked my myself "What am I doing?" Then quickly thought of Dannels how she mentions on how to deal with outside stress into the classroom. I knew I didn't want myself stress to effect the class, so I pull myself together and thought of a few goals I had for the class. I mentioned my goals to the class so I can keep myself intact and get the information through the students head. I also thought of how I'm going to make the discussion interesting. Luckily for me the classroom is pretty good in engaging so I didn't have to worry much. At first all I could think of was the situation I had with my brother, it wasn't until my students and I were discussing the questions on the perception quiz they took. It was funny to hear their answers about their partners. Even more funny because the answers they came up with based on the perceptions they had of me.

None the less, my students made my day, that I had forgotten about the situation for the rest of the day. I would of thought that I would had the support of my family especially my brother since they are always calming down and to think the about the ending picture. So thank you brother for adding more stress that I needed that day.

#WhatAmIDoing #Justkeepmovingforward

Image result for just keep moving forward

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture you chose to represent how you handled your stress. Sometimes you just have to let go of what others think and just do you. I like that you took your issues out of the classroom and used your stress to focus on what your students needed at the time. Stress is all around and if you are able to get rid of it in order to better yourself, do anything that is necessary and things will eventually work out for the better. You're in Grad school, stress happens. #Yougotthis
