Friday, September 29, 2017

SO much to do, so little time

Y'all, there is just so much to do. I almost thought that this week might be the end of me. Should I be feeling this way when I'm supposedly taking the easiest courses I will take in my graduate career? The semester just started lol This week I had what feels like an overwhelming amount of assignments to do. I had to formulate an entire syllabus (of course y'all know that part) AND create an exam/one week's lesson plan. It honestly made me question how actual professors do this every semester. Nope. I also had to direct a performance for two images, create a script prompt book, read a small book, read 3 journal articles, write a response on the 3 articles, and play catch up with my blogs. It doesn't seem like a lot but we all know it IS, especially when they're all due back to back. And don't even get me started with all the grading I have yet to complete. 

Anyway, let's focus on my biggest assignment for this week. The syllabus. Goodness gracious that assignment took me forever to finish. I'm not going to lie, at times I felt incompetent (#HoustonWeHaveAProblem) but at least I pulled through. Yay me. Anyway when I thought about it, I remembered to look over the Creating a New Course journal article and decided to try and accomplish some of the goals described when creating my own syllabus. 
I made sure I...informed my students of the "scope" of the work, identified the sequence in which the work will follow, and described the tasks by which success will be achieved. This was the "easy" part and of course it was a requirement for the assignment so no biggie, it's the thoroughness of the syllabus, the lesson plan, and the exam questions that were really bugging me. It was hard y'all! At least we are all done with that part and don't have another huge assignment to do, we can finally relax...Oh wait, we have to read another book and three more articles before we have to complete a 2nd reaction paper.
Sorry to burst your bubbles, there is no rest in Grad school, get used to it. #DebbieDowner

-Mari <3

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