Wednesday, December 13, 2017

October Post: Dialogue

      Whenever I think about student engagement, I think about Freire Freire, as we have learned, argues that dialogue is the key way that students become active and engaged. Simply put, students can overcome anxiety and communicative fear when their teacher encourages them to engage their classroom. One important way that we can generate student engagement is instructor authenticity. The authentic self is the individual that you are inside and outside the classroom. Granted, the authentic self does have limits and borders. For instance, you probably do not want to go into your class talking about your personal life. Additionally, you probably do not want ask your students questions about their personal life. These limitations are good limitations because they disallow or preclude ourselves from producing instructor misbehaviors.       
     After we embrace out limited yet authentic self, we can then get the students to engage their classroom. When an instructor is authentic, the students feel more comfortable. California State University instructive and educational researcher,  Zac Johnson, surveyed undergraduate students.   Zach's sample size was 300 students, where he asked them the simple question: does authenticity help you learn? The undergraduate response was a resounding yes. One reason is that instructor authenticity motivates and encourages student communication, which facilitates student learning. When instructors are authentic, the students feel like they can converse with their instructor. However, student engagement comes in many forms. Often times, instructors have preconceived notions regarding student engagement. A lot of instructors apply blanket statement interpretations regarding student engagement inside their classrooms. For example, some instructors may argue that students engagement means discussing or conversing.
       However, engagement will, and should, look differently from student to student. For example, one student may engage the classroom by nodding their head after their instructor finishes discussing something. This is important because this particular student may not normally use nonverbal language. Additionally, Student B may actively talk when the instructor asks questions, when they normally would not. Teachers need to establish a fluid and comfortable zone in the classroom for all students. A fluid classroom environment would mandate that their is not an uniformed engagement standard. Moreover, a fluid engagement standard would require respectful, knowledgeable, and stern instructors. If there is a disruption or problem, for instance, an instructor should not call classroom attention to the problem. Rather, instructors should deal with disruptions or problems calmly, respectfully, but fluidly. 

December Post: Wrap Up (SoMuchStuffSoMuchStress)

      This semester has been one that has been both intellectually stimulating, physically exhausting, and moving. There's been a ton of things that we as graduate teaching assistant, for two of us graduate debate assistants, and instructors have to do: grade papers, prepare daily lesson plans, get our students engaged, study for our classes, do immense amounts of work for particular classes (cough-rhetorical theory), and read for all three classes.  Although this is a lot of work, ultimately we can handle it. Additionally, we as graduate students-in my opinion-have learned coping mechanisms that have allowed us to deal with these things. For instance, getting up early, doing some physical activity, and getting read for your day will help you with all these things, and more. I think that in this context (i.e. graduate school) these things are necessary.
      As someone who previously dealt with depression, there is a large risk that it will come back. This, combined with graduate school, can be a problematic permutation. However, when we implement these things-physical activity, healthy eating, vitamins, and other things-we can cope with all this stuff and all this stress. I also think that all of these things are healthy in their own way. For example, when we have a large workload and a limited amount of time to do these things, we learn time management, strategic thinking, critical thinking, and efficiency. I think that all these skills ultimately help us with all this stuff, and all the stress.
     This leads into my last point, which is that this is a cyclical cycle. For example, we got into grad school knowing that this is a lot of stress, and a lot of work. However, to manage that, we will do physical activity, take vitamins, talk with one another, and so on. As the semester progresses, we will learn how to strategically think and critically think about our situations. If we give ourselves to this non-physical semester, I think that we will do well. I think that this is especially true as we go out into our next graduate semester. I've learned a lot, and I think that one reason that I was able to cope with all this stuff, and all the stress, was because I 'gave' myself to the semester.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Wrap it up?(Sounds dirty)

Wrap it up? (Sounds dirty)...
What happens if I don't?...
Things will get messy?

Well, I learned that messy is not necessarily what we want rather, what we as educators need. What if we reject the notion of a perfect classroom? Why are we not sold on making a difference? Why is it hard to distinguish why our work matters? Why can't we be human? Why can't our students be human? Why does pedagogy have to be messy and complicated?

Because making a difference takes the collaborative work of approximately 323 million people. for one, i.e. an educator to make a difference, is asking for the work of millions. Making difference is not as simple as we thought. And boring our students isn't exactly helping. But if we mixed things up? reject the notion of the ideal classroom? We throw students off their bored game and challenge their thoughts of hegemonic ideology.  We ask them to critically think for a second. All of the sudden the critical thinkers combine ideas and thoughts in one space, students challenge each other and the educator, and all of the sudden the space changes due to dialogue. Yeah, people are all different, so expect everyone's ideas and thoughts to collide with one another, not necessarily destroying one another, but rather transcending other avenues of thoughts and knowledge.

Again, there will be a person who completely disagrees, however we should not question our own teaching practices or approaches. Sometimes it takes other teachers, or students to discourage our approaches and philosophy just because they are not sold on the approach or concepts you introduce. Understand that as an educator, that it is okay. It's okay to be vulnerable and in the moment, understand that it is hard to articulate why your work matters but do not let this reason alone stray you away from the reality and feelings on why your work matters. Never forget that bodies that occupy classrooms are human bodies let alone homonarrans(story tellers and story livers). It is also productive to express to your students that you are also human.

Why is it so hard?   Because we are asking humans to accomplish a goal that might be to abstract, but one complicates it and names it process it becomes tangible, concrete. Education is what it is because it is complex and can be manipulated or taught. Do not run from the process because it is too hard to articulate. Meet it, challenge it, critically, and whole with your educational community.


Wrap me up

Listen up, all my friends
This is where my wrap-up begins...
We got Rudi, Brenden, and Kevin too, 
I learned so much, my brain is beef stew

Freire, hooks, Palmer and Fish
I learned how not to be a bish
Now y'all listen up 'cause here I am
What I'm about to tell you, ain't no spam

Authenticity, diversity, are the real deal,
It's extremely important how our student's feel
We got Chelsea, Stephanie, and Mari as well
Please stay away from the "students from hell"

Feminism, critical pedagogy, and critical activism pedagogy too
This information was all so new!
Finally, we're down to Emily, Jayme, and me
Take it from Freire, knowledge is power and power ain't free!

This semester has come to an end,
I'm so thankful for all my teaching friends,
Karen was the best professor ever,
Just #stayinurlain and she'll think you're clever!

But seriously, I learned so much this semester! During one of my classes in my undergrad, I was telling my professor that I had pedagogy. She responded with, "oh I loved pedagogy! That was my favorite class!". In my head, I questioned her enthusiasm. I thought pedagogy was just going to be how to teach. Now I know, it is so much more. It is about how Dewey used experiential learning to relate the student's experiences to the content of the course, how Palmer believes that a good teacher incorporates their soul and personalities into their teachings, and how Fish argues that teachers should just stick to their job and teach the subject and nothing else.

Most importantly, I learned my own teaching philosophy. I learned how important the phrase #dontpanic is. It is important that when a #houstonwehaveaproblem comes up, we just have to trust our guts and  #keeponkeepinon. If we lose sight of what's important, we must #reengage and focus on our student's and help them succeed the best way that we know how. All of us are going to ask ourselves, #whatamIdoing, it's completely normal! Although, it is important to know that when life places the ball in our court, or field if you will, we have to be the #pedagoalie and not let the important lessons (or ball) pass by us. Being a #debbiedowner will get us nowhere. Just #stayinurlain, keep your heads up and kick ass. We are capable, wonderful, and amazing teachers, which is why #thosewhocan teach and we are the teachers! 

Much love,

#pedamorgie #stayinurlain

Saturday, December 9, 2017

It's the Final Countdown 🎶

It is truly unbelievable that is the last week of the semester. We made it! I want to leave y’all with my three biggest failures and how our Pedagogy class helped me learn from each one. I hope you will appreciate them as much as I do.

Failure #1: Go above and beyond what is expected because students will appreciate it.
HA, wrong! I’m sure some can relate to me on this one. In the beginning of the semester, I would create elaborate PowerPoints, make copies of CIA activities, and even accept Online Activities past the due date if the majority of the class did not turn them in. While I thought the class would see how much extra work I was putting in for them to succeed, I soon realized they simply did not appreciate it. Not only did they not appreciate it, but they weren’t learning because they expected me to hold their hands through it all. I learned through this failure that while it is important for instructors to become prepared to class, real learning can only happen when the students take responsibility in their learning. Elizabeth F. Barkley stated, “We can help them by reversing our typical roles in the classroom. Instead of standing in front of the classroom working hard to present information as clearly as possible to students who are expected to sit quietly  and absorb it, we can set up conditions where they are doing more of the work.”

Failure #2: Try and act super professional and smart so the class takes you seriously.
On the very first day of class, I walked in incredibly nervous. I was nervous of feeling judged and for a group of 30 people to think I am an idiot. Initially, I was going to put on a whole performance as this incredibly gifted scholar who was serious and strict to avoid this. However, when I walked in, I introduced myself and said something along these lines:

“Although this is my first time teaching and I am still learning, trust me when I say I have been in your shoes before. I have been the A+ student, I have been the student athlete, I have been the student that didn’t care about the class, I have been the student that has not shown up to class for a month because they were too depressed to get out of bed, and I have been the student that was able to figure out how to turn it all around. This is a class you will do well in because I am already your biggest fan.”

While Stan Fish would find the nearest trash can to vomit in if he was in class that day, looking back on that first day of class made me realize how vital it is to maintain your identity within the classroom. Echoing the teachings of Palmer, teachers should always remain authentic and teach from their true selves. By remaining authentic, I am able to teach students at a much deeper level than if I were to act like someone I am not.

Failure #3: You can change the lives of all students if you try your hardest.
It took me until Week 15 to realize that I will not be able to change every student’s life and that’s okay. I was having a conversation with a colleague about how some of our students had stopped attending classes and turning their assignments in which resulted in them potentially failing the class. Initially, I took this as my own responsibility. However, I realize that unfortunately, there will be times where we must be the teacher in which the student learns from through failure. My freshman year of my undergraduate degree, I received a 1.9 GPA. However, this had nothing to do with the quality of the teachers or their lack of doing something. Coming from an extremely small high school where I received everything I wanted without trying, I just had to learn through failing classes that I needed to put in the extra work in college. After then, my GPA improved every semester.

My big take-away is that teaching this semester has truly given me a new appreciation for every teacher, coach, and mentor I’ve had. Until you are put in the position of authority or responsibility, it is difficult to understand how much effort and care our teachers put into what they do (holla' at John Dewey for the experiential learning). The structure of academia and sports are very similar. Typically, you have one individual who is seen as the authoritative figure while a group of individuals are expected to learn from the one individual in order to achieve a common goal. Both of these structures can frustrating for both parties, there is something so unique and special about the bond made between the these individuals that make every struggle seem completely worth it in the end.

"Leadership, like coaching, is fighting for the hearts and souls of men and getting them to believe in you." -Eddie Robinson


Friday, December 8, 2017

Wrap It Up

Let's Wrap this Up!

Student participation and student engagement are not synonymous. Students may answer questions in class or complete in class activities, but that does not necessarily mean they are engaged. Dannels referred to engagement as a student's willingness to participate and learn. After teaching for a semester, I also argue engagement refers to a student's willingness to take action in her or his own learning process. For me, engaged students are not only invested in the content, but they demonstrate agency and critical thinking skills. In addition, Dannels argues instructors are responsible for creating an engaging climate. Dannels suggests instructors can use immediacy, humor, and technology to encourage engagement.
Speaking of humor, humor is hard. Attempting to instill humor in the classroom actually makes you a little vulnerable. I am putting myself out there when I try to share my sense of humor and engage my class. Its embarrassing when they stare at my blankly. Sometimes you just need to say to heck will it and be authentic to your own humor style. #freshsparklingappropriatehumor
Students are also responsible for their own engagement. According to hooks and Freire, students must have agency in their own learning process. This is in contrast to what Freire identifies as the banking model. This model situates students as passive receivers of knowledge and the instructor as the all-knowing, unquestionable expert. Unfortunately, this is one of the most common educational models. This proved to be a major obstacle for my student engagement this semester as my students often resisted my attempts to dispel the banking model. I even had some students straight up view my attempts to involve them in their own learning processes as teacher misbehaviors. This was very frustrating to me as I really wanted my students be engaged in the material and engage in critical thinking.
Despite my frustration, I needed to remember to not be critical of my students. Fassett and Warren warn against instructors criticizing each other and their students. Instructors need to approach problematic student views with intention to inform, not shut down. Instructors who tell students they are wrong with no explanation will ultimately silence and disengage the student from the material.
Take Away
Both students and instructors are responsible for engagement. Instructors are responsible for creating conducive and engaging environments. Students are responsible for taking agency in their own learning and thinking critically.
How to Use in the Future
Learn your students names, tell stupid jokes, don't be the bankers from Marry Poppins, don't be a dick when your students are wrong, and finally, know you can only do so much. We can't know what all is going on in our students lives. We need to make our class as engagement friendly as possible and then trust them to be gosh danged adults and take responsibility for their education.
#reengage #bye
Image result for engagement funny

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

All Wrapped Up With A Bow On Top ❤️

Seriously, how is it already December? I feel like I blinked and the semester just happened. Over the past few months, I have learned so much about myself as an instructor and as a student. Pedagogy has been an eye opening course for me and I already feel much more confident walking into a classroom.


I’ve come to learn that I really love teaching. In this first semester, I have been able to figure out what teaching methods work for me and how to effectively create a positive classroom dynamic. I love being able to get to know my students as individuals because everyone has something different to offer. I am so grateful to have formed such great relationships with some of my kids. I love watching them understand concepts and actually engage with course content. Having such diverse classrooms was extremely rewarding because we all learned so much from each other. I loved watching my students become increasingly comfortable with each other, as well as with me.

At the same time, as much as I enjoyed teaching this semester and getting to know my students, it definitely was not always rainbows and sunshine.


There were times that I literally wanted to pencil dive off the top of the Union. I had my fair share of negative experiences thanks to a variety of things such as my dear student from hell, my six students who decided they didn’t want to show up to class anymore, and uncomfortable discussions in the classroom. Looking back, I think that these negative instances were more helpful to me than the positive ones because I had to learn on the spot how to deal with things. I would argue that you can read all about how to deal with these types of things but you won’t actually learn until it actually happens in your class.

With all the different readings we had, I definitely had ones that stuck out to me the most and helped form my educational philosophy. Friere’s (1970) pedagogy of the oppressed will always be something I keep in mind, as well as Fish’s (2008) “do your job,” McAuliff & Denker’s (2016) approach to giving power and a voice to students in the classroom, and finally the importance of diversity.

I think that going forward, I can only become a better teacher. I am so grateful for this class and even more grateful to have shared the experience with all of you! I have learned so much from y’all and the stories you have shared (and your hashtags). #DontPanic #ThoseWhoCan #ReEngage


My final words to you folks will be something that I have lived by this whole semester (and also my whole life). No matter what happens- in class, at work, in life, whatever… all you need to do is just #KEEPONKEEPINON

This was supposed to be the post before my final post...whoops!

This semester was crazy y'all. In a good way. I have literally been busy 24/7, same as y'all, I'm sure. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would be teaching 3 sections of Intro to Comm. I still find it hard to believe sometimes. With that being said, there was so much that I wanted to teach my students and pedagogy helped she the way I could do it. I think that one of the most important things I wanted to include in my classes was the idea of addressing privilege, self-reflexivity, and just being a good person, in general. We all have students who think that racism doesn't exist anymore. Luckily for them, it doesn't. Why? You ask? Because now we can use Hooks' White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy instead.

It's long but it works. This term helps remove the "whiteness" out of the social issue that surrounds us on a daily basis. I don't think that I had many students who avoid discussing these issues too much, but the times that I did encounter these moments, I made sure that I affirmed their agency. As much as we don't like listening to someone's ignorance on a specific issue, it is our job to listen as much as it is to guide our students to reach awareness. The privilege walk was a great way to do this. Another time  that I feel was important to teach about "whiteness" and addressing privilege was when I included the wall commercial during the week we discussed stereotypes and the types of appeals. There is always a way to implement teachings about challenging the status quo and I think that if we can identify those moments, teaching about difficult topics can become an easy task.

Never hesitate to call people out on their racism. There are jokes that go too far and those can certainly change the tone of your classroom. As instructors, we need to know when it is okay to step up and make things a teaching moment. Don't scapegoat jokes, you're in the position of power and it is your duty to stand up when you know something is wrong.

If your students chose to not learn from what you are trying to teach them, they can always chose to remove themselves from the situation. You're the teacher, help them realize that their mindset needs to change (if it is an entitled one). You're the instructor, you got this. Go on and impart your knowledge!

Mari Officially, officially Out <3

Saturday, December 2, 2017

I Bb-Bb-Believe That's all Folk!

Image result for porky pig that's all folks

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am sad that the end is coming. While I still have this coming week left with my 1010, I wish there was more time since I had a great time teaching and I'll miss my students. Not to mention, all the papers, assignments, and grades that are due, YIKES! (Howard, 2017).

This semester has being a roller coaster, there were good and bad times, not only in teaching but as a student as well. There were challenges I overcame and others I still need to work on. One thing for sure is that I've learned many things throughout the semester some which include dealing with anxiety, building a classroom dynamic, being authentic, and relate to students. Throughout this semester, I have dealt with anxiety in many occasions one which I got ill. I had to tell myself constantly to relax and I would think positive. Another method that has helped was taking naps as part of my breaks or listen to music since that helps me clear out my mind. Luckily, I avoided bringing my anxiety to class except for that one time where I had a personal problem with mt sibling. I used Dannels advice and straighten out my goals for the class that day as well as disclosing to my students that I might seemed a little off. That really turned out great for me because my students were understanding that in the end they were the ones who were able to cheer me up.

I remembered being nervous on my first couple of weeks of teaching because I wasn't sure how my classroom environment would be like, it wasn't until I told myself to be confidence and be my authentic self. I brought my "accidental silliness," a little bit of sass, and dramatic self to class. That really made difference in class since my students started to opening up. I was also able to provide them feedback as well as allowing them to express themselves freely. Majority of my students told me that they liked how they got to talk to other students because it allowed them to know them more and felt comfortable enough to participate in class. I can definitely say that all my classrooms were able to have deep conversations and think beyond when it came to in class discussion. Moreover, I was able to relate with my students. They enjoyed when I shared past experience or stories that provided them an example of the assignment or activity that they had to do.

Furthermore, I intend on keep apply the skills and knowledge that I did this semester, although I need to improve on being consistent with grading as well as being prepared to answer questions I am unsure of. I connected with my students and I am grateful to have been able to teach this semester. I hope that one day I am able to become a professor or even a high school teacher.

#WhatAmIDoing #HappyTeaching #Goodluck

Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Privileged Balk

Last post and I'll get out of your hair...

A couple of weeks ago COMM 1010 introduced the chapter on Language, Culture, and Power and my student from hell turned another student into a student from hell. Yes, there are two now--both Fraternity members--both white. Together, they are getting worse in regards of disrupting class and becoming more and more disengaged week in and week out.

I prefaced the privilege walk as a special activity the week prior. The day of I instructed my class that we would be doing the special activity outside. I stay behind the class to make sure that the door is closed and just in case students who are late know that the class is outside today, in case they forgot. As I am the last one to leave my two students from hell try to break off from the rest of my class and run up the stairs so that they would not have to participate in today's festivities. I was young and thought I was slick as well once. Little do they know I was 10 times more hard headed and mischievous than they could ever imagine (Still am). I catch them half up the stairs and let out a loud bolt of "Na ha!! Y'all come back down here right now or I'm dropping two letter grades from your final grades!". Both come back down and claim that they "thought outside was upstairs". I reply, "and I thought Obama was the pope".

The class arrives outside and we start the activity. I explain the privilege walk to my students and after we began. While reading the questions extremely loud both of the student from hell start to engage in numerous conversations with one another (I should have split them apart) instead of listening to the questions. They were asked numerous times to stop talking, they couldn't hear hear the questions because they were over there bumpin they gums!

After we finished the activity we debriefed. This debrief expanded far beyond evaluation on whether the student's liked it or not. By engaging in CCP I got to ask question like why they liked it. As you probably would have guessed the students from hell whom were well ahead of everyone else experienced distaste for the activity. I asked them why they didn't like it and one of them responded with "I just think that it was pointless. It's not going to change anything; I will still treat everyone the same". I almost threw the chair at him, that happens to be attached to the desk. His partner and another white student shouted with joy, agreeing with him. I ask the rest of the class what they think, and the class just shook their heads in disappointment, but no words were uttered.

I'm going to honest, I did not know what made even more upset, the student from hell's stupidity or the silence that occupied the room. I counted to 10 in my head and I responded. For length purposes I will not state what I said. the point I want to make here is a tough one. My goal in the class is to disrupt whiteness by denying students rights to abject scripts. How? By holding a mini lecture and a think pair share discussing hegemony and power the day before the privilege walk. After the lecture and think pair share we as a class debrief. During the debrief we interrogate color-blindness and other techniques that reticulates systems of oppression (Another CCP component). Getting everyone involved is a strategy employed so that students hold each other and the teacher accountable and responsible for their responses. I thought their classmates would call the students from hell out, and it did not happen.

As painful as it might seem, if this is to happen I believe it is our job as educators to educate. I was prepared for students who identify as white to balk on the activities and the talk back. No, we do not want our white students to shut down, for they are an important part of your classroom community and the activity itself. But it is so important to address abject scripting and talks of colorblindness. If they shut down, it is important to let them know it's okay to feel the way that they do, but we must challenge them to think deeper and critically about their responses and the possible ways how it affects others. Even if it breaks their hearts. But oh was I happy to respond to my students from hell!! And honestly I am not afraid of backlash, because I taught them to challenge me, and I promise to challenge them (And oh boi did I!) and that's a tactic and a strategy to acknowledging difference. It is within itself a challenge. Ignoring comments that are problematic and not talking about the "R" word only feeds concepts like abject scripts, Dare Education Be Liberation.


Putting a CAP on Feminism

I am a feminist. <--That is such a powerful statement to me. I feel empowered just typing it!

But seriously, being a feminist means a lot to me. Although, I can't just stop there because I am also a teacher. So I must combine these two notions of being a feminist and a teacher and what better way to facilitate these two then by engaging in Communication Activism Pedagogy.

Enck (2014) notes that "from a feminist perspective, the classroom is one of the few spaces where taken-for-granted notions of privilege and power can be productively challenged, and where hopes of social justice and can be voiced." I can only hope to create a classroom environment that serves the purpose of knowledge and social justice for my students.

I want my students in the present and future to be passionate about a social issue and learn how to be an activist and make a difference in the world. As a teacher, I want to challenge my students to think differently than what they have been accustomed to. By no means do I want to force feminism on my students, but I do want to encourage them to be open-minded about a feminist standpoint and how that standpoint can benefit all students, not just women.

Feminists are not solely concerned with the social construction of knowledge, but rather the creation of knowledge. I think it is important for students and teachers to want to create knowledge. After all, that is why we are in this cycle of learning and teaching, right? I argue that instructors and students should seek to find the injustices in their community so they can advocate against them. As instructors, we should all want our students to seek knowledge and truth. I'm not arguing that feminism is the only way to obtain knowledge or truth but it would be a good starting point. If students just so happen to appreciate the feminist perspective and adopt it as their own while being activists for their communities then I encourage that as well. #pedamorgy #stayinyourlain

To my 2020 students

Today was my last day teaching my 2020 recitation class and I can't believe everything is coming to a near end. Although I'm sad that I won't be teaching my 2020 classes, I still have my 1010 class which I'm going to make the most of it. I can't predict how the class is going to end but I hope that all my students took something away from the course and that I was able to make it fun and enjoyable.

So far I've gotten great feedback from my other students as well as some improvements I can do for the future. To be honest, I almost had tears of joy when my students were giving their goodbyes to me. They were telling me their best moments, what they enjoyed most about recitation, and gave me a hug. As they were walking out of the classroom, I had a flashback of my first day when I walked in, all nervous wondering if the were going to take me seriously. Week after week, we were all able to engage and have deep discussions of the content. From laughter, to giving each other advice, to disagreements, and to awkward silences, the classroom dynamic was incredible everyone felt safe and comfortable to disclose about themselves. I've got to learn so much about them during class and in their papers they wrote. I tried my best to be there for them and help as much as I could. I've also got to thank them for the time I wasn't "all there" but they were able to cheer me up.

My students gave me confidence and there wasn't a day that I didn't look forward to teach. One thing I've learned about both of my recitation classes was that you never know what is going to happen, or what is going to come out of their mouth. I hope they finish off the semester great not only in 2020 but in their other classes. For now I'm going to cherish my time in 1010, since our days are numbered. To my 2020 students thank you for letting me be part of your lives even if it was only in the classroom. I wish you all the best!

#WhatAmIDoing #Interpersonal #TeachingAssistant

Put Some Respeck on My Name

I am sporadic, hyper, funny, and caring. These are just a few characteristics of who I am but they are the ones I bring into the classroom. Dannels (2015) argues that teachers should infuse who they are into their teachings. I think I do a thorough job of expressing who I am in my classroom. I joke (appropriately) around with my students, I walk into every classroom with a positive, quirky approach, and I ask my student how they are doing outside of my classroom (because I'm genuinely interested). I am my normal, goofy self in the classroom and I still have the ultimate control over my classroom. For the most part, my students do listen to me and follow my directions but there's always an outlier...

If I am my authentic self in the classroom and I have the ultimate "say-so" in the classroom then why do I always have one student who questions my authority or mocks me? I honestly feel disrespected in my classroom sometimes. Sometimes when I try to be goofy or say something silly, the majority of my classroom laughs but then one student (same one every time) mocks me. He will repeat what I say in a mimicking tone and roll his eyes. At first I didn't think too much of it because I thought that might of been his way of trying to feel included or joking but it continued. The nerve of these kids...

The problem persisted and in turn, I tried to be self-reflexive. Am I doing something to upset this student? Is there something wrong with my personality? What in the world am I doing wrong? My other students did not feed off of his behavior and when he would "strike" they sat in an awkward silence waiting for my response. I ignored it until I just got tired of it.

"Why do you insist on mocking me all the time?" I broke. I had to ask. He was baffled and responded with something along the lines of that he himself did not feel respected. My heart broke. I didn't understand why he felt that way and in fact, I specifically tried to create an environment where my students DID NOT feel that way. Perhaps I joked too much with this particular student. I apologized and told him I never intended for him to feel that way and that I appreciate him telling me what was up. I just wanted to be respected, and he did too.

Dannels (2015) says that "because teaching and learning are human activities, about the only thing you can predict with certainty is unpredictability". The fact that I called out my student was unpredictable and the fact that my student told me he felt disrespected was definitely unpredictable. It was an important lesson for both of us. As teachers, we should all embrace unpredictability as certainty and listen (not just hear) our students.

I just hope next time my student says my name...he puts some Respeck on it. Don't worry, I will for him too.
#pedamorgy #stayinurlain

Image result for put some respeck on my name

It Pays to Talk

One of my biggest challenges this semester has been finding ways in which I can engage all of my students in the classroom. In one of my sections, there are about 4 people that help lead discussions and provide their input when I ask the class a question.

  • The individual that speaks the most frequent is a non-traditional student who owns 3 businesses. He is a white male. His work is excellent and he tends to make conversation with me the moment I walk into the classroom. 
  • My second student, who I have mentioned a few times in the blog posts before, is a young, black female. While she adds to the discussion frequently, she usually gives me extremely honest answers and is not afraid to let me know when she does not care about the material. 
  • My third student is a young, white female. She turns in her homework the day it is assigned, has never missed a class period, and gives me incredible nonverbal listening skills. While she is extremely quiet, she will speak up if she knows that I want more student participation.
  • My fourth student that helps lead discussion is a young, black female who sits in the very back of the class. She spends most of the class period on her computer, but I have noticed that she will speak up every now and then, especially when discussing about politics. She is very inconsistent with her work, but when she does turn her work in, it is above and beyond what is required.

While I appreciate their enthusiasm, it tends to limit the opportunities for others to speak in the classroom.

Elizabeth Bell and Kim Golombisky discussed a tactic in which teachers can welcome all voices and encourage them to become more active in participating in discussions. "If a few individuals continue to dominate some classes, we may have "pay to talk" days. Distributing three pennies to each student at the beginning of class, we announce, 'To talk in class today you must pay a penny, and you must spend all your pennies. So think about what your comment is worth in the culture of this classroom.' Our most vocal students have to weigh their contributions carefully when limited to three chances to speak."

Although the semester is nearly over, this is an activity I plan to implement in my classroom if the problem arises again. It is so important to as a teacher to make sure they are doing everything they can to help cultivate a classroom in which all voices are heard and appreciated. This teaching philosophy reminds me of a specific drill we use to do during soccer practice. If one of our teammates was scoring most of the goals during practice or handling the ball (even if they were successful) we were required to pass to other people in order to score the goal. This not only created more opportunities for others to participate in scoring a goal, it also helped build stronger trust within the team and allowed individuals to be spotlighted for their achievements.


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Pop Culture

Well everyone, 

It appears I inadvertently posted my wrap up post prior to publishing my "official" second blog post for November. I've been texting my partner all day, and when describing the situation of my mistake to him, I sent a gif to help encapsulate my emotions. Not just any gif, but a meme that reinforces Whiteness. I'll post it below. 


Now I know, I know, my role of girlfriend in a private text conversation is very different from my role of teacher in the classroom, as they should be. However, as Freire says, dialogue is a key to creating change and hopefully avoiding hooks' White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy. I should not just aim to oppose Whiteness in my classroom, but in my every day life encounters as well. 

Aiming to open our students eyes to the systematic oppression surrounding them and breaking the cycle of abject scripts and Whiteness is absolutely important. Palmer, however, says that our virtues and morals need to align in order to have an effective pedagogy. It is important to not just be an advocate in front of our students, but also in our everyday personal lives. 

Although choosing a gif for a private text conversation is in a different world than choosing pop culture examples in the classroom, in order to help negate Whiteness and WSCP we as pedagogs should aim to implement these tactics in our every day life as well as our pedagogy. 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Trust between students

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A couple of weeks ago when I was reading for Consulting I came across a chapter called Teacher as Consultant. This sparked my interest since I didn't think teachers as consultants and I was curious as to how Block was going to approach the subject. 

Block is talking about a high school teacher named Mr. Ward who decided to change his classroom setting by using consulting methods. The concept that caught my attention was consultant building trust. Block talks about the students having trust with one another and how we the teachers act as a third party in a "discovery mode." That we are not the experts but are there to help them build trust. For example, Mr. Ward had a student that was hurt by negative comment that was made about them in class. He then asked for permission to use as a learning experience. This lead Mr. Ward to have a discussion in class where the student express how they felt about the comments without having any disruptions, then he gave the opportunity for everyone else to speak. This allowed for the classroom culture to be re-humanized since they were able to express themselves freely and just listened to one another.

This got me thinking on how it is easy for a student to disengaged in the classroom due to their peers. We are constantly talking about respecting others thoughts and opinions in the classroom, but one thing I have trouble with is knowing when comment is affecting the student or are they joking with each other. Sure there's nonverbal cues but sometimes it can be difficult because I don't want to draw too much attention and making things worse. Moreover, if I'm comfortable enough to hold a conversation about it with the whole class. I guess this would depend on the environment I have in my classroom. I know that if it were to happen in my 1010 I would feel insecure of dealing with the problem just because there are times where the whole class discloses and others where they just stay quiet with a blank face. Although I do agree that we are the third party when it comes to our students and I trust my students with them being sincere and honest with one another, even though I think they don't feel the same with one another. I hope in that in the future I am able to build trust among my students where they feel safe enough to express themselves and have deep discussion in class. Lastly, I believe that it is up to us to do our best to let our students have the opportunity to grow and learn along the way. 

#WhatAmIDoing #FawlessConsulting #Block 

Saturday, November 25, 2017


My grandmother passed away November 14th at 9 pm. She was 85 years old. She was not in great shape those last few months. She could hardly eat or speak, and she was in a lot of pain. After endless late nights and early mornings visiting her at the hospital, the doctors finally told my family there was nothing more they could do. We brought her home and put her on hospice. The night she died I went to class and then went straight to her house after. My whole family was there. My mom met me at the door, hugged me, and said, "grandma's gone." I had been with the family all day that day up at her house, so I got to say goodbye to her. Both of my grandfathers died last year. My dad's mother is my only remaining grandparent. The added stress of her decline and death has certainly been a strain this semester. I think it was affecting me a little more than I realized (like crying uncontrollably in class because I was frustrated with my students, oops).
Several pedagogical scholars (Dewey, Palmer, Freire, hooks) discuss communities in the classroom. These scholars typically refer to teachers fostering learning communities within the classroom. However, working communities are also important. I am incredibly fortunate to a part of a great community of wonderful people. These past few weeks my professors and colleagues have been so supportive. From statements of support to putting together a care package, all of you have helped me get through this situation. Not just in these past few weeks, but through this entire difficult and stressful process. 

Thank you all for everything,


Saturday, November 18, 2017

All Good Things Must Come To An End - Official Wrap Up Post

Then end of November is near, meaning so is the end of the semester. Final assignments in graduate classes are due, grades need to be finalized, and holiday vibes are in full swing.

WARNING: LONG (hopefully useful) POST AHEAD

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I have loved getting to read everyone's blog posts and responses throughout the semester. The diverse perspective you all bring to the table, in addition to the readings and Karen's role in class, I can honestly say have created been an eye-opening and inspiring experience in pedagogy for me. As the semester comes to a close, I'd like to touch on a few tactics I plan to implement (or continue implementing) in my pedagogy endeavors, as learned throughout this semester, as well as give some reassuring closing remarks.

Things I plan to implement (or continue implementing):
  1. Having students, in some way, submit pop culture examples relevant to course materials (as suggested by McCauliff & Denker). 
  2. Let my authenticity flow into the classroom more (Palmer).
  3. Stay consistent (Dannels)!
  4. Make detailed To-Do lists.
My goal with #1 on the implementation list is to avoid what hooks calls the White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy - I want to avoid "whitewashing" my classroom as much as possible, and create a diverse learning experience with relevant examples for all of my students. I hope to gain a lot from implementing this tactic in my classroom - after all, I want to learn WITH my students. This will also be the push I need to really start facilitating more class discussions favored around interests of the students, thus avoiding and encouraging everything AGAINST Freire's Banking Model. 

Goal #2 is based on Palmer's idea of heartwork, and the idea that identity & integrity + re-memberment = authenticity. My first semester teaching was the semester I most heavily tried to put on a "teacher persona". Realizing quickly that not only is it uncomfortable for me, but not benefiting my students, I began working on feeling confident enough to let the real Rudi shine in the classes I teach. Perhaps it was my Impostor Syndrome causing me to feel I needed the persona to seem credible or just a general case of the nerves, I worked hard this second semester to more closely pinpoint my identity and integrity, engaged in re-memberment, and will continue to reach full authenticity in my classrooms for ultimate teacher/student success.

Goal #3 is based on a piece of advice given to teachers in the Dannels text during orientation and Week 1 in our pedagogy course - BE CONSISTENT. I had a bit of a problem staying consistent with my students my first semester of teaching: when grades would be posted, slides available on BlackBoard, remembering questions students asked, etc. When matters of inconsistency occurred, it was a burden for both my students and myself. My second semester teaching I really focused on being consistent for my students because I recognized consistency as an area I needed improvement in. My second semester I set tasks for myself to ensure I stay consistent, and I plan to continue to utilize and build on these tasks, such as always posting my lecture slides the Sunday before I teach and enabling the slides to not be visible to students until 12pm the day of class. In addition, I also have an app that links to my laptop, Google Home, and cell phone to make lists of questions or concerns to make sure I remember what needs to be done. 

Finally, goal #4, though not relevant to the materials we've covered thus far in the course, is one I feel is important to my success personally. I realized, through many years of trial and error, I am most productive when I make a weekly to-do list and an extensive daily to-do list. For these lists to work for me, I have to be very specific and list out every tiny task to keep me feeling accomplished, and thus keeping me motivated. For example, instead of writing "grade journal 9 - COMM 2140", I must separate the task by sections: "grade journal 9 - COMM 2140.202...grade journal 9 - COMM 2140.203".

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Those of you who have made it this far and are still reading, thank you. I promise I am almost done typing an novel for this last blog post, but I would first like to leave some closing remarks.

First and foremost, remember becoming a great pedagogical figure is a process. We are all constantly learning and improving ourselves and our methods. As Emily says, #KeepOnKeepinOn and make goals to achieve, following Chelsea's message of being a #pedaGOALIE. Keep working to #reengage students and adjusting your pedagogy to the needs of your students, without allowing brain-dead pedagogy in the classroom. #ThoseWhoCan SHOULD continue working towards new pedagogical goals, and more importantly...
