Tuesday, December 5, 2017

All Wrapped Up With A Bow On Top ❤️

Seriously, how is it already December? I feel like I blinked and the semester just happened. Over the past few months, I have learned so much about myself as an instructor and as a student. Pedagogy has been an eye opening course for me and I already feel much more confident walking into a classroom.


I’ve come to learn that I really love teaching. In this first semester, I have been able to figure out what teaching methods work for me and how to effectively create a positive classroom dynamic. I love being able to get to know my students as individuals because everyone has something different to offer. I am so grateful to have formed such great relationships with some of my kids. I love watching them understand concepts and actually engage with course content. Having such diverse classrooms was extremely rewarding because we all learned so much from each other. I loved watching my students become increasingly comfortable with each other, as well as with me.

At the same time, as much as I enjoyed teaching this semester and getting to know my students, it definitely was not always rainbows and sunshine.


There were times that I literally wanted to pencil dive off the top of the Union. I had my fair share of negative experiences thanks to a variety of things such as my dear student from hell, my six students who decided they didn’t want to show up to class anymore, and uncomfortable discussions in the classroom. Looking back, I think that these negative instances were more helpful to me than the positive ones because I had to learn on the spot how to deal with things. I would argue that you can read all about how to deal with these types of things but you won’t actually learn until it actually happens in your class.

With all the different readings we had, I definitely had ones that stuck out to me the most and helped form my educational philosophy. Friere’s (1970) pedagogy of the oppressed will always be something I keep in mind, as well as Fish’s (2008) “do your job,” McAuliff & Denker’s (2016) approach to giving power and a voice to students in the classroom, and finally the importance of diversity.

I think that going forward, I can only become a better teacher. I am so grateful for this class and even more grateful to have shared the experience with all of you! I have learned so much from y’all and the stories you have shared (and your hashtags). #DontPanic #ThoseWhoCan #ReEngage


My final words to you folks will be something that I have lived by this whole semester (and also my whole life). No matter what happens- in class, at work, in life, whatever… all you need to do is just #KEEPONKEEPINON

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