Saturday, December 2, 2017

I Bb-Bb-Believe That's all Folk!

Image result for porky pig that's all folks

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am sad that the end is coming. While I still have this coming week left with my 1010, I wish there was more time since I had a great time teaching and I'll miss my students. Not to mention, all the papers, assignments, and grades that are due, YIKES! (Howard, 2017).

This semester has being a roller coaster, there were good and bad times, not only in teaching but as a student as well. There were challenges I overcame and others I still need to work on. One thing for sure is that I've learned many things throughout the semester some which include dealing with anxiety, building a classroom dynamic, being authentic, and relate to students. Throughout this semester, I have dealt with anxiety in many occasions one which I got ill. I had to tell myself constantly to relax and I would think positive. Another method that has helped was taking naps as part of my breaks or listen to music since that helps me clear out my mind. Luckily, I avoided bringing my anxiety to class except for that one time where I had a personal problem with mt sibling. I used Dannels advice and straighten out my goals for the class that day as well as disclosing to my students that I might seemed a little off. That really turned out great for me because my students were understanding that in the end they were the ones who were able to cheer me up.

I remembered being nervous on my first couple of weeks of teaching because I wasn't sure how my classroom environment would be like, it wasn't until I told myself to be confidence and be my authentic self. I brought my "accidental silliness," a little bit of sass, and dramatic self to class. That really made difference in class since my students started to opening up. I was also able to provide them feedback as well as allowing them to express themselves freely. Majority of my students told me that they liked how they got to talk to other students because it allowed them to know them more and felt comfortable enough to participate in class. I can definitely say that all my classrooms were able to have deep conversations and think beyond when it came to in class discussion. Moreover, I was able to relate with my students. They enjoyed when I shared past experience or stories that provided them an example of the assignment or activity that they had to do.

Furthermore, I intend on keep apply the skills and knowledge that I did this semester, although I need to improve on being consistent with grading as well as being prepared to answer questions I am unsure of. I connected with my students and I am grateful to have been able to teach this semester. I hope that one day I am able to become a professor or even a high school teacher.

#WhatAmIDoing #HappyTeaching #Goodluck

1 comment:

  1. Steph, this post makes my heart happy! After sharing a desk with you this semester I can clearly see how much your students care about you! They respect you so much and they really value what you have to say. It's obvious how comfortable they feel around you and that's amazing!
    I love how you mentioned leaving your anxiety at the door. I think that's something so important to remember as teachers because it can really affect the overall classroom dynamic. Students would be able to pick up your nonverbals and ultimately become disinterested.
    We could all learn a lot from you, Steph! I think you have answered the question #WhatAmIDoing because you seem to have confidently figured out your own pedagogical approach! #KeepOnKeepinOn
