Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Let's Talk...

Let’s Talk Pop. Culture

When thinking about popular culture we often think of memes, videos, movies, magazines, and anything that you can possibly think of. What we often forget or even something that we do not think about is that popular culture can be used to learn. I know it may seem a bit confusing, but this is something that I have attempted to do in my classroom. 

For example, when explaining Group Conflict I often find myself showing "The Office" clip “Stress Relief,” which most is commonly known as “The Fire Drill” scene where Dwight starts a fire on purpose which spirals out of control when it comes to what they should do for safety. What I do usually is show the video and I have them break into their groups and write down/talk out the problem they saw in the video as well as give me a way the situation could be handled differently. The video is one of my favs and it one that I have used twice now and both times I get a good response. The students enjoy it and they are learning in a way that makes the concept stick.
If you have not seen the video, I have embedded the link! 

I have also used another "The Office" clip to explain Stereotypes and the problems they can cause. I also address “ethnocentrism” in the video as well. I have them watch the video together as a class and in their groups they point out the stereotypes they saw and how stereotypes are hurtful or impactful to the group they are referencing. Although stereotypes are normally geared toward negativity against other groups it is helpful to look into the impact of the stereotypes that they cause. The class seems to be engaged with the material and this is one of the fun class sessions that I hold. I wish I could make every class that fun, but sometimes it is not always possible. However, with a little bit of hard work and searching I believe it could be done. I am not the best at implementing pop culture in the classroom, but I am willing to learn. I feel that I need more guidance when it comes to prep work for class in order to connect the pop culture example to the concepts in class. 

Also, if you have not seen the Stereotypes episode from "The Office" I have attached the clip below! Enjoy! (:

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