Friday, October 22, 2021


In 1630 the first school was invented in the United States of America. The academic institution has always had an underlying term to marginalize any person of color. Knowledge is the greatest tool in this life us humans live in. Knowledge is what gets you UNDERSTAND life,  maneuver through life as well as getting ahead. Knowledge is something that can never be stolen from you! It is stitched within your brain, which is why it is the most precious gift of life. As a human, every person no matter their gender, their preference of sexuality and their skin color, deserves to have the power to simply know and learn.

It is crazy that there has been a debate over the right for a human to seek knowledge since 1839-1960 (I would argue that the fight has been present since the evolution of academia and is truly still present in 2021). If you create an access restriction for a certain crowd, that is one of the easiest ways of being ahead. As history has shown during slavery, slaves were not able to read or write. They could die if caught being studious. When one reads, one knows about the world and its surrounding. One can know many different things. From arithmetic, to asian culture, human rights and random facts such as who the world's spelling Bee champion is (Zalia Avant-Garde, #BlackGirlMagic #Diversifyit). 

Learning has always been limited. All because we, people of color, have a different skin tone color. Just because my skin is different as well as my ancestors, his ancestors, our ancestors have been different. We have been viewed by the Caucasian population as objects and not humans. If only the Caucasian population as a whole, love us for just being us, skin color and all. We really are beautiful people. Just like all people of color are not bad, not all white people are racist. Please understand that you, (if you are Caucasian) have a responsibility beyond being our ally. Love us. Let us have the same fair treatment that y'all obtain. Let us have a fair chance at education. On the behalf of me from the student perspective. 

Oppressors can easily turn the narrative of people of color being seen as more than just objects through love.  By loving us as humans, you can help us become the intelligent, loving human beings we deserve to be!! This form can be shown beyond the academic world. There is a much need revolution in the system as a whole. The fight has to come from the oppressors. WE NEED THE OPPRESSOR TO BE OUR ALLY!! -Paulo Freire. 

Loving us, is how you become our ally. This is not something that should be earned, hence the term of false generosity. Love is something that every human being should give!! The good news is that we can change the narrative! 

I myself, am viewed as an oppressor. I will revolutionize the much needed education world as a Teaching Assistant and #differsifyit. On the behalf of the Teaching/Oppressor me, 

I give ALL of my students the chance to have the chance to learn at the higher level of academia. Some of them may have never seen anyone like me, talk like me, or be as proud and so encouraging of "shaking the table... or switching the dynamic if you will. I discuss each lesson of every unit with incorporation of gender, class, ethnicity, and love. #Diversifiyit Love to me, goes beyond the classroom. It is really showing that you care about your students outside of the subject. Yesterday, before class started, I asked my student if he was okay. I noticed that 2/3 of his recent assignments were not his usual studious input. I could tell that something has been going on. I recalled him asking me for more information about therapy so I decided to ask check on him before class started he did mention that he went to therapy and that he was okay now. My student is a Caucasian twenty-something year old male. If I can show my student love both as a human and student, than so can anyone of any background. We need it!! It is our right!! 

I also go above the subject by discussing topics during my house keeping (Classroom announcements such as: upcoming assignments, homework questions, comments or questions, general questions, etc. This is  the beginning of the class). I have and plan on discussing grade calculations, self care, credit, therapy and ways to study. I plan on asking them to give me some topics that they would like me to discuss that they would want to know as they are commencing the beginning of adulthood or are entering their twenties. I have students that range from 17-23. They need extra access to love. They are at a point in life where they are trying to put the pieces together. They need the access to this love and to the knowledge that for some odd reason is not as out there as it should be. 

Knowledge to all backgrounds should have been taught to all ages from the beginning. Even when that didn't happen, as history has shown, they should have commenced it between the end of middle school and the upperclassman in high school. This is when students commence their role in society. I wish I would have had a teacher who discussed the importance of credit. I am a first semester graduate student, and I have NEVER had one teacher teach me the importance of credit. Being a member of the Mexican community, I as well as my parents are figuring it out. I am the first generation to be born here. From credit to my academic studies, I can not go to my parents about such issues due to their lack of knowledge. 

It is so crucial to show love to students from each and every background just beyond the subject. The subject itself is very important. Students including myself, have been through a lot to get to the higher academia level. WE EARNED THE PRIVILEGE TO STUDY!!! Our work ethic, drive and competence has gotten us here. Is that not worthy enough to view me as a human?

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