Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Society Killing Creativity: Baileys Daily's

 What up fam? Last week when we were reading Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by Paulo Freire, I came across a short film on Facebook while mindlessly scrolling when I should have been fast asleep. Can anyone else relate to the struggle?

Anywhoo, I had just read about Freire's definition of The Banking Concept. 

Some of the spicy takes I pulled out of this section were:
- That the banking model is a concept that transforms students into receiving objects.. (p.77)

-The educated individual is the adapted person because they are a better 'fit' for the world. This concept is well suited to the purpose of the oppressors, whose tranquility rests on how well people fit the world the oppressor shave created, and how little they question it. (p. 76)

That second bullet point really struck home for me. The educated are the people who are molded to fit the 'norms' of society. How crazy is that? Can you look back and see if, and where your mind was molded and formed by the banking model to fit the 'norms' of society.

Here is a personal question for you... when you were younger, what did you want to be? A firefighter? A doctor? A nurse? A veterinarian? Take a moment and think about that...

 Ok now, can you pinpoint or guess when you changed your mind about what you wanted to be? For me, I wanted to be a teacher. However, my parents (specifically my Dad) unintentionally drew me away from wanting to pursue that profession, because of the lower salary of educators today. My mind was shaped and altered to fit the 'norm', or the 'expectancy' of society. Funny how that works, isn't it?

I want to encourage you to watch this video and keep the idea of the banking concept in the front of your brain.

After watching, feel free to post some comments below about the #lightningboldts you had go off while watching, and maybe even take it a step further and throw out some ideas of how you can #shakeandnotstir it up in your classroom to avoid being a teacher who uses the Banking Model.


1 comment:

  1. Bailey,
    Your title is so accurate! Society does kill creativity because the education system is built on the "Banking Model" which Rowdy talks about in one of his posts.
    This way of "thinking" is problematic to the progression of society, it is even more prominent with incoming freshman, they are so use to people holding their hand that when you say "write about what you like" they take a moment to think. I personally think the slow response rate could be multiple factors, however, it comes down to the students being TOLD what to do rather than ASKED what to do. This is common around the U.S.

    You had some good points, society kills dreams... *insert sad face*
