Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Misgendering is Not Okay!

     A classroom is a place for creativity and the formation of new ideas. Many professors have created a new "normal" of disclosing pronouns on the first day of class. Disclosing pronouns helps to fight for individuals who are transgender and gender non-conforming. The increased visibility of pronoun disclosure has been attempting to queer the "normal" to create a new normal. In many ways pronoun disclosure helps to educate and provide a safe space for people who do not identify as cisgender. Engaging in discussions about pronoun usage can foster new understanding and acceptance, because the current societal "normal" of assuming gender is repulsive. #FuckTheNorm

    The purpose of this blog post is to highlight where we can grow as individuals personally and as individuals who are apart of the academy. For those of you who have the ability and access to this blog, note that first, we have come so far as a society and a community in the way of acceptance and understanding. Being diverse is somewhat appreciated and encouraged, however sometimes in the classroom, being "different": or doing things in a different way can feel completely isolating.

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    Inside of the classroom, as new instructors, we want to facilitate discussion that has a purpose, fosters new understanding and ideas, and we don't want to fail. Being apart of a department such as the Communication Studies department at the University of North Texas means that there is many students that have set precedence for the standard of work and academic performance. While each individual is different, treating someone with respect should not vary person to person. Every being deserves respect and attempt of understanding.

    Overall the Department of Communication Studies is accepting and inclusive, but this does not mean that our work as scholars and critical professionals is over. What happens when a student or person is misgendered inside of class? Over my first eight weeks of my first semester as a graduate student and a teaching assistant, I have realized that our department is not perfect and in certain parts, still buys into the old norms that keep our society in a comfortable place for oppression. Because gender has always been taught on a binary line, for many older professionals it is hard to change the active response of assuming gender identity, BUT this is absolutely not an acceptable excuse for why misgendering is okay. 

    Let me start off by saying that if you did not read the title of this entry, misgendering is not okay! When someone is misgendered in class, someone should say something to whoever was doing the misgendering. Correction is apart of growth and correction is not only the responsibility of the person being misgendered. When someone is misgendered by the professor of the course it becomes increasingly more difficult to stand up or unmute your mic in the middle of class due to the power dynamic that is in place. Ultimately and unfortunately, the aforementioned situation of a professor continuing to misgender students has continually happened this semester. The socially constructed norm of listening to the teacher teach and waiting as the student to be called upon creates an erasing of bodies inside of the classroom that can lead to isolation and "zombie" minded students Palmer (1998) talks about. Students that are directly involved and indirectly involve check out and do not learn or retain the material being taught because of the disruption in respect of identity. 

    Having everyone put their pronouns at the end of their Zoom name or disclose them in class is not enough to end oppression and misgendering. Grace about new things and concepts is important, but gaining the courage to stand up against the teacher/student power dynamic and going against the norm to address important issues of disrespect and discard can create a more cohesive learning community that values truth and creating an accepting reality! #FuckTheNorm

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Alyx! Thank you for writing this post and sharing your experience/thoughts! This makes me think back to the conversation about deadnaming that we had in class on Tuesday. You touch on some important issues here (that really hit home for me, as a queer and genderfluid person) including the harm that results from gender being historically, and currently, explicated on a binary line. In the case of misgendering, or deadnaming, not only are these binary ideas reinforced, but I think rhetorical violence against non-normative people/identies/bodies is authorized if the wrong is not addressed. Yes, mistakes happen, but the way(s) we address them is so important! And the line between giving grace and holding ourselves and others accountable can be tricky to navigate as a TA/grad student situated in a system of differential power between students and department faculty. Lots to unpack here!

    I'm finding myself thinking back to Palmer and his discussion about how "good" (which I define as authentic, empathetic, informed) teachers engage the heart in instruction, which means “in the ancient sense...the place where intellect and emotion and spirit will converge in the human self” (11). If we press deep into heart work in situations where our students experience oppression, perhaps that's the first step to facilitating a transformative classroom that doesn't shun or shame mistakes, but engages with them toward empathetic, validating ends.

    Hang in there - I'm grateful to learn from you as a peer and your students are lucky to have you!

