Friday, September 18, 2020

Staying the Course is a Journey Volume 1: Post 1


  1. Hi Lisa,
    You did a great job on your #Encouragement blog! I reallly enjoyed reading it.
    I can imagine that the situation with trying to stay encouraged can be difficult given the times we are living in, but you're doing great and I'm proud of you. Moreover, it is also important to trust the process, which is something I am learning how to do.
    Have a great day!

  2. Hi Lisa,

    I loved getting to know more of your story and how you wove your experiences and Caitlyn's into a discussion about how to #StayTheCourse. The paragraph when you discuss finding your first "golden compass" really resonated. I also had bumpy relationship with education for several years and remember so clearly how powerful it was to find support via my first college English professor - Jerrie Callan. Like Tolya, she provided guidance during a challenging time in my life and we still keep in touch...10 years later! Thinking about these professors brings to mind how Palmer talks about "good teachers" teaching from the heart and inviting in challenges - students and situations - with empathy and vulnerability. It sounds like you are a golden compass for Caitlyn, too. :)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I'm grateful to learn with and from you!


  3. Hi Lisa,

    I really like you noted that sometimes it can be hard to seeing what is right in front of you! Especially recognizing how others want to help us. And also seeing the achievements we make on our ride in education. I try to remind myself to see things for the way they are, the good and the bad.

    I also love how you mention how your children are on the journey to education with you. I'm sure Caitlyn feels the support you provide going through the journey together. Learning truly takes a passion, and not all stories hold the traditional straight school storyline. As such, I appreciate you sharing your journey in education.

    Thank you for the reminder that everyone has a purpose. The encouragement truly grounds the support our department and peers provide towards our academia. Cheers to finding our ways around the realms of education. Just have to #staythecourse as we make our way through. Always rooting for you, my friend.

  4. Hi Lisa!

    Thanks for sharing your experience and echo the feelings of feeling encouraged by your post! I very much appreciate the imagery that you incorporate into your writing and how you, as a mother, face particular challenges when you chose to pursue your education. I think it's amazing how you created your own future in spite of some people and with the support of others.

    One thing that I'd like to note is that, typically, the individualistic rhetoric of pulling oneself up by one's boots straps is a hegemonic narrative of American meritocracy. This ideal, I would argue, is a myth for the large majority of people given structural oppression such as widening wealth inequality. This is not to deny your success and tenacity; rather, it is in recognition that you've accomplished great things but that this required, to a certain extend, support and #EnCourageMent from others. Maybe pulling oneself up by one's boot straps is possible within coalitions of support. Part of this happens with #EnCourageMent.

  5. So true! I knew my mom (who passed away in 2008) would be proud. so i am continually #EnCouraged to pick myself to not repeat the cyle of struggles :)
