Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Best Intentions . . .

Each fall as I finish the semester, I have this intention to continue to post about teaching on our pedagogy blog. I envision inviting former pedagogy students to contribute and discuss how their teaching has changed, but someone these best intentions to share by reflexivity and praxis get pushed to the side for other endeavors. Suddenly, it is summer-- we head off on vacation (see my grading view right after finals in May below).

Life is about my Littles; teaching my summer class; and preparing a new online course for spring 2018. Today I needed a break from grading and course production so what do I do begin to work on my prep for my Pedagogy & Communication course. My happy place where I get to think about teaching and the joy I get from helping new teachers find their voice and identity in the classroom. I get to look at new readings about pedagogy and see if I can add something new to a class that I have already taught 11 times before.

As I prepare for my 12th year of teach pedagogy I know that I'm blessed to have a job where I can be fulfilled through mentoring others. As one of my former advisees would put it,  I am a servant leader in and out of the classroom-- and that brings me joy!

So what does this fall have in store for my new pedagogy cohort . . . my classic pedagogy readings of Dewey, Freire, hooks, Fish, Palmer, and Fassett & Warren, will be joined with some new readings on online and blended teaching and some updated research on Communication Education and Instructional Communication . . .

COMM TAs Fall 2014 

And I hope I can actualize my best intuitions and get some of my former pedagogy students to help us continue our conversation about the importance of engaging in a thoughtful and reflexive pedagogy. I'd love to hear from you if you are interested in adding your voice to our conversation.

Some of our Award Winning TAs in 2008! 

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